It’s B-Day


I have spent countless perturbed impatient and pissed off hours trying to “develop” this “website”.  I wanted a fabulous WEBSITE!  A website that Oprah would be proud of and she would shout out that word like none other but her can spew… FABULOUS!

I had visions of blitz and bling with all of these wonderful features and delightful information shared seamlessly alongside beautiful pictures, taken by yours truly, and there would be doves flying in the air and angles singing in the background and an ahhh-haaaa moment for us all.  Who the hell am I fooling (rolling my eyes), I don’t even own a real camera!  I don’t know the difference between a Facebook post and a story (sorry I post the same shit on both), I’m still learning what the hell Instagram is about, all I know about Snapchat is I can vomit rainbows, LinkedIn is a job search site to me and I didn’t even know I had a Twitter account until my husband told me so.  For me to be so delusional to think that I have the tech savvy skills to make a website… I would likely buy ocean front property in Arizona…

I am a new kind of pathetic!

I may have unknowingly joined a secret society of cyber gangsters, but here we are and here I go.

I have no idea what I am doing.  I do not know if this blog will post, or where it will post.  I am winging it!  I didn’t… and still do not… know what a domain is or does!  For all I know there are Minions hiding under my bed performing their Minion sorcery to crank out something called a domain.  It’s so far over my head that the NASA Space Station had to report it as an unidentified ball of gas.

We are going to work with what we’ve got, or as my kids used to say, “you get what you get… don’t pitch a fit.”  Man, have times changed and I wish my kids still recited those words… a blog topic for another day!

So they say I should write?  No one is ever specific about topics… just write?  Over the course of the 100+ years that I feel like I’ve been alive I have heard this “just write” so many times that I am going to believe that I can do this shit!  I may ramble my ass off for just me and my Dell to see, but I’m going to peck away and see where it goes!


I have listened to at least 50 YouTube videos about blogging, the only thing any of them have in common is to blog about one topic… ONE!  How a woman runs her mouth about only one topic is earth shattering headline news!  I feel like I’m a jack of all trades, and master of none, how do I quiet the squirrels running in my brain to just speak on one topic?  It’s not possible and it aint happening!

I cannot offer any words of encouragement when it comes to cooking or fashion or travel, like most beautifully written blogs share.  If you need to know what to cook, or what to wear, or great places to travel, I can certainly point you in the direction of New Orleans and you will pass a few Wal-Mart’s and Popeye’s on the way.  You are on your own, sorry… I’m not “that” kind of wonder-woman.  If that is what you need in your life I would encourage you to leave this blog now and move on.

What will be my topic”S”?  I’ve decided to share with you “my story.”  If it needs a topic I guess you could label it “Asshole Adopted Adult”.  I am an adopted adult and plenty of folks tell me I’m an asshole, so if the shoe fits…  “Adopted Adult” sounds ridiculous but I don’t think there is a point in your life when you are no longer adopted.  Bought once… always been bought.  My mother will not be happy with my choice of words but she will get over it or under it, she knows I mean no harm.

Being adopted never seemed important enough to talk about, but when I do share my story, folks seem a little sticker shocked.  When you live in a situation and its all you know, then it’s not a big deal to you, I will probably get a little Jerry Springer on you… it will be fun entertainment for me!  There is a whole lot more to come… we will see if you still think I can write!

I’ve made my first blog, it’s my B-DAY!  I had Ramen noodles and Bud Light for dinner with an adult dog, a 2 month old puppy and a very angry cat, all laying over me.  My son is home before curfew and my daughter has not tried to sneak out (yet).  I would say that tonight has been a sucess and tomorrows possibilities are endless.

Thar She Blows…


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